As an auditing company, we provide you comprehensive support

Regarding company valuation, we carry out an established expertise for you. Moreover, we support you professionally regarding auditing in the region around Mannheim and Darmstadt. As an auditing company, we have both the competence and the experience necessary for professional final accounts examinations or Financial Due Diligence examinations. Together with other numerous services regarding business consultancy, tax consultancy and real estate taxation, we provide you comprehensive service from one source.

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All the services come from a single source:

Together with our partner office of Trebing & Bert Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH in Frankfurt, we can also offer you comprehensive commercial law expertise. Moreover, we also work with specialised notaries, depending on the sector.


Have confidence in our expertise in all questions concerning real estate taxation

Our accountancy firm is on hand with help and advice for you. Within the frame of our versatile profession as tax consultants, we focus our special attention on the demanding field of real estate taxation. Regarding this, we possess excellent references – among others a big business concern consisting of roughly 45 real estate companies – and offer you a broad variety of services, as for instance the creation of utility invoicings, financial accounting or annual financial statements.

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Comprehensive business consultancy

Whether family firms, owner-managed companies or an investor model – the clients of our tax consultancy and accountancy firm profit from our professional competence and highly committed support.

No matter if you want to make use of professional tax accountancy, if you need the expertise of an experienced business consultant or comprehensive advice in digital financial accounting – you can count on us as your committed tax consultants and auditors!

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We would be happy to make you a competitive offer.

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Tax consultant and auditor in Darmstadt

We are professional and experienced tax consultants and auditors

Carola Bert and Jürgen Daiber are the founders of Bert & Daiber. Both partners are both tax consultants and auditors and of them have collected many years of experience in renowned law offices and auditing companies as well. Now, the clients of their own accountancy firms in Darmstadt and Frankfurt benefit from this double expertise, especially when dealing with complex topics. Comprehensive specialist competence, from accounting through to business valuation, always allows an integrated view on the particular company.